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North Brentwood citizens - mother with two children during North Brentwood Day celebration

North Brentwood
Citizens Association

NBCA plays a significant role supporting Town residents, and promoting growth and respect throughout the community. Become an active member!

> NBCA brochure


The Association sponsors activities (e.g., visiting the elderly, sick and shut-ins) and fun  annual events, such as: Family Day, North Brentwood Day, National Night Out, Back-to-School Night, Trunk or Treat, and the Holiday Tree Lighting and Decorations Contest.

Female clown on unicycle performs at North Brentwood Day

Love North Brentwood Day, Trunk or Treat, our annual Christmas tree lighting...?




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About NBCA



All North Brentwood residents are considered North Brentwood Citizens Association (NBCA) civic members!


While dues are not mandatory, we ask all residents to contribute any time, and/or participate in the annual membership drive. It's held the first quarter of the year. The cost is just $15.00 per household. Dues revenue supports community programs!


Join, renew (or simply donate)... Click to pay via Cash App - use $cashtag $NorthBrentwoodCA.




All residents of North Brentwood are invited to attend NBCA meetings!


Dates: 2nd Monday each month

Time: 6:30 pm

Where: N. Brentwood Community Center, 4012 Webster Street, North Brentwood


NBCA Officers


President: Tiffany Jones

Vice President: Janie Cuffie

Secretary: Shaleta Richardson

Treasurer: Zeolia Day

Chaplain: Vacant




North Brentwood Citizens Association was organized in 1906 by William J. Conway. He served as President for five consecutive years.


The Association was renamed in 2018 to North Brentwood Civic Association.


Mission Statement


The mission of the North Brentwood Civic Association is to protect the life, health, property, and general welfare of its citizens.


North Brentwood is a town rich in culture and diversity. Because of this, the Civic Association works collaboratively with the Mayor and Town Council in support of initiatives that will preserve the legacy and heritage of this vital community.


The Civic Association presents views, petitions, and resolutions to the municipal, county, and state governing bodies to secure adequate educational and recreational funding and facilities for the North Brentwood community.



It's easy to pay your $15 NBCA membership:





Or mail a check to:

North Brentwood Civic Association

P. O. Box 355

North Brentwood, Md. 20722

Use Cash App to pay for North Brentwood Civic Association Membership
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4009 Wallace Road, North Brentwood, Maryland 20722


Town office hours: 

9 am to 1 pm

Mon / Tue / Thurs

©2024 by Town of North Brentwood.

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